Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Road traffic accident, deaths, and injuries down for Khmer New Year 2009

Phnom Penh. April 21st 2009. The recently-released Ministry of Interior accident report for the 5-day Khmer New Year Period (April 13-17 2009) highlights a significant decrease in road traffic accidents, deaths and injuries compared to the same time period in 2008.

For Khmer New Year 2009, there was a total of 240 road accidents nationwide resulting in 52 deaths and 557 injuries. Compared to 2008, the number of accidents decreased by 24%, fatalities by 12%, serious injuries by 20% and slight injury by 45%. There are 134 casualties do not wear helmet while use motorcycle and have an accident.

Kandal, Bantheay Meanchey, and Battam Bong provinces had the highest number of road traffic accidents.

The MoI report stated that motorcycles were involved in the most road accidents, totaling more than 80 per cent of all vehicles. The biggest cause of accidents and casualties was drinking and driving, followed by speeding and not respecting the give way rule.

Handicap International Belgium is pleased to note the decrease in road traffic accidents and casualties during the Khmer New Year holiday in 2009. HIB, in strong collaboration with the National Road Safety Committee and other government and non-government stakeholders conducted a campaign designed to raise awareness on the accident risks in Cambodia during the Khmer New Year, particular on the dangers of speeding, drinking and driving and not wearing motorcycle helmets. These messages were spread through activities included a road safety ceremony, TV and radio campaigns, and leaflet and poster distribution.
For more information please go to www.roadsafetycambodia.info

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